I am Téa Driver and I am a senior at Skyline High School. Starting a successful business is ... Learn More

Téa Driver
About Me
I am Téa Driver and I am a senior at Skyline High School. Starting a successful business is and has been a goal of mine and the CEO program is the perfect opportunity to achieve it. Business surrounds my whole life, from starting a sewing company during the pandemic to being a part of the Future Business Leaders of America club at school. I strive to work hard in everything I do and to make a difference in people's lives. I believe a strong work ethic yields success, and being a part of this program along with the International Baccalaureate program at Skyline will propel me towards achieving my academic and personal goals. Aside from the rigor of the IB program, some extracurriculars I enjoy are tennis, painting, and reading. With that said, I hope to tie in my hobbies with my business, as well as gather great insight through my mentor and other CEOs in the community.
About My Business
Designer high-quality fabric wraps for budget friendly plant enthusiasts. BloomWrap offers designer fabric pot wraps to personalize and style interior spaces. Choose from various patterns and fabrics to transform unsightly plastic pots into beautiful plants, enhancing both top and bottom! Ideal for plant enthusiasts on a budget, opt for a wrap that provides design and comfort to your space, instead of the expense of traditional ceramic pots. The washable and reusable pot allows you to switch wraps seamlessly, ensuring continuous style after your plant's life cycle!

Téa Driver's DISC Profile
You can be quick about your decisions when time is short and need is high.
You are logical and rational.
You're always willing to help out in a pressure situation, even if you don't really want to.
You believe that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing correctly the first time.